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Spray Tanning Guide For Bride's Wedding



Nowadays, many brides opt for an elusive tan, before their wedding. The spray tan is an ideal method to tan the delicate skin of a bride and help her look, ravishing on her Big Day! It is must that the bride should take her tan spray from a trained tanning expert, and leave no room for regrets.

Remember, there is nothing glamorous like a naturally glowing tan, rather than achieving whiting spots or stripes, therefore, avoid overly tanned body for your marriage day. Follow, these basic guidelines by sunless tan experts, and impress everyone on your Big Day with a glowing tan.

The most crucial feature for a spray tan will be the final look of a bride, including a beautiful skin tan, blending nicely with her attire, accessories and overall theme of her bridal party. A fabulous bridal tan and her makeover will play a vital role in her faith and charm. Spray tan is a safe, fast and reliable method to look, stunning on your Big Day.

Not many of us must be aware that spray tans also help in hiding those extra bulge and flab of the body. In fact, many grooms also use spray tans on the side of their abs's to hide that protruding sides and belly. Spray tans are an excellent source of disguise, making your body look flawless, toned and glowing.

When we talk about spray tanning for occasions like wedding day, it has to be different and perfect. Bridal tanning is about giving the improvement to her body from every angle. A significant pre-bridal session is required for every bride who is opting for spray tan. A tanning expert or a consultant would personalize the spray tan sessions for the bride, according to her skin, and focusing on stability of the bridal makeover and her overall appearance.

Spray tanning is about adding comfort and convenience for the bride to choose, how much she wants to increase the tan and reduce few inches before wearing her bridal gown. For long lasting effects of a spray tan, many tanning experts recommend a prior body exfoliation. As a bride, try to pick up the sun tan color, which are just 1-2 coats lighter than your own skin color. Spray tan is not about painting your body, but about glow that looks natural and spectacular.

The most recommended spray tan color for a bride is natural 8 per cent of DHA active. This tan color blends well, with natural color of the skin, and the bridal gown. The increased percentage of DHA will add more natural touch and will not merge or stick to the bridal gown. A Spray tan can be easily rinsed off within a few hour of the application and this makes it the most effective method for tanning. Body moisturizing after every shower will prolong the tan.

Always talk to your tanning therapist about the photosensitivity or medication allergies, in case of any. Choose to pay more for natural spray tans and the ones that have more DHA. It will be wise, if you go ahead with a trial session of spray tanning, few months prior to your occasion and finally look dazzling on your Wedding Day!

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